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TGC concerns


#1 | Posted: Yesterday 14:57

I struggle somewhat to find the right words (as english isn't my native language) and unsure how to write my 'concerns' here without comming off as a bit offensive (just want to point out that is not my intention - and just hope no artists feels attacked by my words here!).

It's important to point out that this is more a 'me' problem than anything else (as i've not seen anyone else raise these subjects) but over the last few years i struggle to get sucked into most stories like i used to.

I think this has to do with 3 things:
- 'time between the pages'
I understand it takes a lot of time to create these amazing comics (first create a plot, write a story, create pictures, maybe tweak the story a little and create more pictures which takes a very, very long time). The problem for me is publishing these stories over a long time makes me loose interest in the characters. I might even forget most of the previous story before a new chapter comes out weeks or months later (sometimes even a year later, or years?). This is something i noticed more and more on Patreon as i follow a lot of artists there and TGC started doing this more and more as well. As i stated above, i understand it takes time for the artists, but i just wish it could be more like the good-old-days where comics wasn't realesed before they were more or less complete . A story dragging on more than a few months (?) must be super unique if i'm not to loose interest in it .

- 'crossover characters'
It seems to be more and more popular to create a character and reuse it in one or more comics. For me this seems to 'complicate' the story. What's worse is, once again, i seem to loose interest in those characters as time more or less has made them redundant to me (who is she?, what comic was she in?, did something important happen in that comic?, is she trans? etc).

- 'too many pages, too many chapters'
I usually don't mind long stories if all is available straight away (as long as it's not like 'Days of our lives' with page after page with little or no progression :p) but when these long stories gets published over time it gets even harder to enjoy them (than semi-short stories) and again i loose interest (in what most likely is a great story). Add in a few crossover characters that was published in chapter 18, 4 years ago in another comic and i loose all interest :/.

I mentioned above i follow some artists on Patreon (where this also is a big concern) and at the moment i subscribe to: Melissa N, C Black, LilTKit, Cassie Rose Watson, 3x TGC backers (ending this month), Kizaru, Taylor Galen Kadee and Chlorophile. I have a few others i follow as well but tend to swap based on what stories is 'active'.

I understand my dream to go back to the way it was with all being published in one go is unrealistic (never gonna happen on Patreon ofc) - but it's still a concern i have without much of a solution :/.

TGC Artist 

#2 | Posted: Yesterday 23:30

Do what I do and wait until something is completed until you sit down with it.


#3 | Posted: Yesterday 23:43

These are all valid points. Thank you for sharing!
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